Stepping into the Void
Friday, May 6th, is the first time since the start of the Pandemic that I stepped inside our office. This time in San Jose. We wanted to celebrate a milestone with our team. The office was empty, and I saw only a handful of people. It was great to see my team and have lunch with them. Driving to the office sucked. As expected. Too many cars on the road, and the traffic in the Bay Area is horrific in the afternoon.
My work computer was unable to connect to the company Wifi, and I had to do what I avoid like the devil avoids the holy water: I had to visit the IT support desk!!! But I had no chance this time. And my worst expectation became a reality. They re-enrolled my machine and installed the latest crapware on my machine. I know, it’s for our protection, but the previously fast machine is slugging along and eats battery like crazy. Well done, well done… Anyway, I have to comply with the rules. Anyway, it was good to see my team, but I keep my visits to the office to a minimum at best. There is no need to waste countless hours in traffic and not get much done in the office.
Have a great week everyone! Thanks for reading