today is tomorrow's past

today is tomorrow's past

I help people create remarkable things. Focus on the customer and quality. Opinions are my own. Photography is my other passion.

1-Minute Read

WFH Day 736

I’m currently reading Out of Office - The Big Problem and Bigger Promise of Working from Home and I have a couple of pages left before this loan expires. It’s a fascinating book about what happens to the office and what other effects those changes will bring for cities and communities in general. There is a lot to think about in the future. And what defines the people that lost the defining part of their lives. I recommend reading the book and seeing what the future might look like and where you find yourself in that new environment.

Monday, one of numerous Mondays during the Pandemic. I do not count them anymore. I don’t want to live Monday to Friday and then have the necessary break on Saturday and Sunday. I try to make it a fluid continuum with free time, paid work, exercise, chores, and hobbies—every day and not only on the Weekend. Life is too short to sprint every weekday and be finally exhausted on the Weekend. A steady marathon sounds like a better idea to me.

It was a great day—time for bed.

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