today is tomorrow's past

today is tomorrow's past

I help people create remarkable things. Focus on the customer and quality. Opinions are my own. Photography is my other passion.

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Liebe|Love Happy Thanksgiving I wish everybody a great day with their families and friends. I hope you can all meet in person and make up for last year. I’m grateful for having a family and friends, a roof over my head, and a fulfilling job. Happy Turkey Day, or whatever suits your mood. Stay safe wherever you are and get some time for yourself. Cheers 🥂

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Reorg Time I use Nextclouds image upload feature to backup all photos from my phone. I recently discovered that you could upload pictures from your phone into subfolders in the YEAR/MONTH/DAY/picturefile format. After switching this feature on, I realized that all my previously uploaded 3000+ images and short videos lie flat in the Pictures folder. I needed a solution to organize all existing photos into the same subfolder structure. I was thinking about writing a shell script and using ExifTool to read the EXIF metadata and move the pictures into their respective folder location based on their creation date.

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I was building a Reactjs component, that should toggle between two child components. <Toggle> <Comp1> <Comp2> </Toggle> The render method of Toggle looked like this render() { const content = React.Children.count(this.props.children) > 0 ? this.props.children[0] : this.props.children[1]; return ( ${content} ); } Unfortunately, this didn’t work (index out of bounds), when I passed only one component instead of two. This doesn’t make sense since the Toggle is supposed to toggle between two components.

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