today is tomorrow's past

today is tomorrow's past

I help people create remarkable things. Focus on the customer and quality. Opinions are my own. Photography is my other passion.

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WFH Day 946 I had some random thoughts the other day. The invention of Smartphones and the evolution of built-in cameras was a big step forward in reducing friction to asking random people at scenic spots to take a picture of yourself. Do you remember the days you had to instruct people how to use the camera? How to focus, and which button to press before taking a picture? All this instructional talk was eliminated when smartphones started to take over our lives.

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WFH Day 896 I’m working on too many things at once. The most important one is to replace my Synology NAS with a new one that I built from scratch. My friend was always telling me how great and reliable his TrueNAS system is working for him. Now, I’m replacing my Synology NAS with a more powerful TrueNAS system with a more powerful CPU, RAM and Storage. It’s a steep learning curve to find my way configuring the new machine.

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WFH Day 870 Long time no update. I was pretty occupied at work getting some larger projects off the ground. The projects are currently in midair and need only occasional course adjustments to arrive at their final destination in the next three months. My employer is thankfully shutting down the offices in the US for the 4th of July week. Everybody is out of the office and getting some prescribed rest.

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Always something to think about