today is tomorrow's past

today is tomorrow's past

I help people create remarkable things. Focus on the customer and quality. Opinions are my own. Photography is my other passion.

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I’m a software engineer with vast experience in developing and shipping software with a strong focus on customer demands, usability, and quality. I’m working with agile teams to deliver exceptionally high-quality software that adds value for the customer.

I’m a certified Scrum Master with nearly ten years of practice experience.

I have a background in software development and have created commercial software and open source for over 20 years. I’m a firm believer in process automation. Test automation is my support system for delivering great software.

I love creating software, and I’m thrilled to work on it full-time and then some. When not coding, I regularly ride my bicycle, take photos, use my laser cutter and a 3D printer, or drink great coffee.

I’m a senior computer scientist at Adobe, working on the iOS CreativeSDK used by millions of users. Previous projects I worked on in no specific order:Adobe Experience Design CC (Adobe XD) and Adobe Photoshop Device Preview. I contributed to Brackets and TabWrangler.

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