today is tomorrow's past

today is tomorrow's past

I help people create remarkable things. Focus on the customer and quality. Opinions are my own. Photography is my other passion.

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TIL - SIGINFO is awesome Today I learnt something really awesome. If you use a Unix based operating system, then you will be able to send any process a signal. This might be either Ctrl+C or SIGINT to interrupt that process. Or you can send SIGINFO to report the progress of it’s operation. Why this is awesome? Did you ever copy a huge amount of data and cp didn’t tell you how much has data has been copied so far?

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I was building a Reactjs component, that should toggle between two child components. <Toggle> <Comp1> <Comp2> </Toggle> The render method of Toggle looked like this render() { const content = React.Children.count(this.props.children) > 0 ? this.props.children[0] : this.props.children[1]; return ( ${content} ); } Unfortunately, this didn’t work (index out of bounds), when I passed only one component instead of two. This doesn’t make sense since the Toggle is supposed to toggle between two components.

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I was testing an ant based build script change today. And I thought ant was already retired. Running the script led to a lot of warnings about a missing library. I asked the person, if there are any dependencies for ant-contrib. His response was “yes, you need to install ant-contrib”. First of all, I didn’t have ant installed. But that was easy with irichter@irichter-MacBookPro:~ brew2 install ant Unfortunately, ant-contrib wasn’t available via homebrew, so I had to download it and place it… where?

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